Best Beautiful Art Body Painting in Festival
New Art Of Body Painting With A Natural Design
They are beautiful and connect women with natural forces within, what is very often topic of the body-art. But if you look more closely on the design of some of his body paintings, you will notice painted "fearful faces " on two photos as well as please observe the black lady and the big eyes on her body, she is obviously hiding herself from her own beauty and sexuality.
Permanent Type of Body Painting
Tattoos are a permanent type of body painting and are used mainly by women who think they would look hot throughout their years. Tattoos can have a deep meaning but it’s the shallow meaning which everybody understands. Tattoo designs should be chosen carefully since a heart-shaped tattoo on a butt can stretch in no time to look like a circle with even less meaning. Tattoos can be considered your short-lived friend.
Nude body painting is now popular among top models who are shaped to kill. Nearly every naked female model’s body will look better in body paints but not every model has a body like Jessica White, who is not very ticklish. Nude body painting is one way the media can have models pose nude and offend less than half the people they normally offend. As more and more women choose body paints to express their feminine side more and more men will take up the brush in support.
New Body Paint Equal Miss Universe Contestants
This time, several Miss Universe contestants -- including good ol' Miss U.S.A. -- have opted to go topless for an official photo campaign, wearing only bikini bottoms and body paint.
"You know that saying, 'Bad publicity is good publicity?' It's going to be good," Miss Trinidad & Tobago, LaToya Woods, tells Access Hollywood.The women were not required to remove their tops, and several chose to keep their breasts covered by their swimsuits. Woods, pictured above, went for the bare look.
"We were all asked what we feel comfortable with and I told them that I feel comfortable with beauty, Rima Fakih, also known as Miss U.S.A., says. She opted to take her top off but turn her back to the camera. "I'm Arab, I'm Muslim, and I didn't want to disappoint many people," she says.
And to think, in New Zealand, women are stripped of their crowns if they dye their hair.
This particular stunt may have backfired. We're so used to the Miss Universe contest having one "shocking" event after another that we're almost bored by these photos. This may be the least interesting pageant scandal we've seen yet.
Next year, if they really want to blow our minds, all the beauty queens should remain fully dressed, politically correct, and articulate. Now that would be a shock.
Miss Universe Rima Fakih with Natural Body Painting

Miss Universe Rima Fakih with Natural Body Painting